US Tax News

Expat Tax Information

All American citizens and green card holders who earn over $12,000 (or just $400 of self-employment income are required to file a US tax return every year, reporting their worldwide income, wherever in the world they live.

Tax Filing for US Expats

Bright!Tax is the recognized leader in US tax preparation for Americans living abroad. We take the hassle out of staying compliant, while you enjoy the incredible adventure of being an expat.

Why Is the Federal Tax Code So Big?

big federal tax code

In the 102 years since the US first introduced income tax, the tax code has ‘blossomed’ from 400 pages to … 75,000. It was during the Second World War that the code first really ballooned, from 504 pages in 1939 to 8,200 in 1945. This was attributed to the complexity of funding the war effort. […]

Year 2014 | Last Best Chance To File Your US Expat Taxes

expat filing 2014 tax return

Find The IRS Before They Find You. This is the last US tax filing season for American expats to become current with the IRS before new laws come into play that will reveal your identity, location and foreign accounts to the US government. Now is the last best chance for Americans living abroad to become […]

American Tax Hustle For US Citizens Abroad

American citizens abroad

Robert W. Wood – U.S. citizens abroad face an array of tax compliance dilemmas for themselves and their families. Americans must report their worldwide income regardless of whether they are paying local taxes where they live. They also must report their non-U.S. bank accounts on FBARs (now FinCEN Form 114) and file the FATCA Form […]