US Tax News

Expat Tax Information

All American citizens and green card holders who earn over $12,000 (or just $400 of self-employment income are required to file a US tax return every year, reporting their worldwide income, wherever in the world they live.

Tax Filing for US Expats

Bright!Tax is the recognized leader in US tax preparation for Americans living abroad. We take the hassle out of staying compliant, while you enjoy the incredible adventure of being an expat.

US Expat Tax Filing Requirements

expat tax filing requirements

Many Americans living abroad aren’t aware that they have US tax filing requirements. As expats, they assume that they don’t have to file a US federal (or State) return, or pay US taxes. Expats who assume this are mistaken though, and may soon face IRS audits and fines if they don’t meet their US legal […]

Top US expat tax myths debunked

expat tax myths

Most US expats are aware that the IRS is interested in Americans living abroad, and many have heard whispers about FATCA and FBAR, however millions are still unsure about their legal obligations. Worse still, rather like the person at the end in a game of Chinese whispers, many have heard incorrect information via word of […]

The Top Five (and a half) US Tax Blogs

expat tax blogs

Tax is a topic that American expats would be naive to ignore. The IRS, considering expats something of a rich seam to be tapped, is ever more enthusiastic and efficient at tracking their foreign financial affairs so as to check them against their tax returns, and with penalties for not filing harsh, it makes sense […]

IRS Insights: how to survive an IRS international audit

expat irs audit

Our Bright!Tax IRS Insights series lifts up the hood to reveal the inner workings of the IRS engine. Today we’ll be looking at the best strategies for responding to an IRS audit letter. As described in our previous IRS Insights article, the IRS can access a vast amount of information about US taxpayers living abroad, […]

How to Choose Your Expat Tax Preparer

choose expat tax preparer

Since the FATCA law was passed in 2010, US expats are obliged to declare their foreign earnings and assets, along with their foreign bank accounts. So how should you set about choosing your expat tax preparer? Firstly, go with a specialist. Expat taxes can be convoluted sometimes, especially if there are several years’ worth to […]

National Taxpayer Advocate Slams IRS for Failing Expats

national taxpayer advocate expat

Nina E. Olson, the IRS’s National Taxpayer Advocate, has slammed her employer in her latest report to congress for failing to adequately compensate American taxpayers living abroad for the closure of overseas tax assistance offices at a time when expat tax requirements are getting more burdensome and complex by the year. She also says that […]