Foreign Property Owners

Can Americans Buy Property in Spain? (Short Answer: Yes!)

Aerial shot of Costa Blanca, a popular place for Americans to buy property in Spain.

Did you know that Americans can buy property in Spain?  When you consider tapas culture and the longstanding tradition of the afternoon siesta, it’s easy to see why many American tourists dream about buying a house in Spain. What may surprise some people, though, is that as popular as Spain is, it’s very possible to […]

Selling Foreign Property: The Ultimate Guide for US Expats

Greetings, fellow US expats! Are you considering selling your foreign property and searching for a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the process? This article explores the ins and outs of selling a foreign property. Additionally, we break down implications for your US taxes and overview many foreign tax considerations to bear in mind.  Selling […]

Reporting Foreign Rental Income on Property Abroad

Reporting Foreign Rental Income

US expats who live abroad make money in many different ways. Your employer in the US might offer you a position in another country or you may decide to travel and start your own business. Whether you’re freelancing or working for a traditional employer, you might also consider investing in property abroad. This could help […]

US Tax on Foreign Property for American Expats in 2022

Foreign Property American Expats

The purchase or sale of a home stateside can be challenging enough. Abroad, you also have to navigate the US expat tax reporting requirements, which can be a little confusing to say the least.  As a US expat, you may already know that your worldwide income must be reported on your American tax return and […]