US Tax News

Expat Tax Information

All American citizens and green card holders who earn over $12,000 (or just $400 of self-employment income are required to file a US tax return every year, reporting their worldwide income, wherever in the world they live.

Tax Filing for US Expats

Bright!Tax is the recognized leader in US tax preparation for Americans living abroad. We take the hassle out of staying compliant, while you enjoy the incredible adventure of being an expat.

How to Choose Your Expat Tax Preparer

choose expat tax preparer

Since the FATCA law was passed in 2010, US expats are obliged to declare their foreign earnings and assets, along with their foreign bank accounts. So how should you set about choosing your expat tax preparer? Firstly, go with a specialist. Expat taxes can be convoluted sometimes, especially if there are several years’ worth to […]

National Taxpayer Advocate Slams IRS for Failing Expats

national taxpayer advocate expat

Nina E. Olson, the IRS’s National Taxpayer Advocate, has slammed her employer in her latest report to congress for failing to adequately compensate American taxpayers living abroad for the closure of overseas tax assistance offices at a time when expat tax requirements are getting more burdensome and complex by the year. She also says that […]

Relief for ‘Accidental Americans’ May be at Hand

accidental american

Hidden deep within the proposed 2016 Federal Budget is a clause that seeks to bring some relief to so-called Accidental Americans. Accidental Americans are people who don’t know that they are American citizens, or who didn’t know before adulthood. They typically fall into one of two groups: people who were born in the US to […]

US Expat Tax Filing Dates – What You Need to Know

expat tax filing dates

Living abroad can and should be one of life’s great adventures, however for Americans federal tax requirements become more complex once you are living outside the US, and in some cases a lot more, depending on your particular situation. Alongside US federal obligations, Americans who are residents in another country will also probably have parallel […]