
Coronavirus Stimulus Payments and US Tax Filing in 2021

Coronavirus Stimulus Payments and US Tax Filing in 2021

Back in March 2020, the CARES Act mandated a one-off stimulus payment for American individuals to help offset the economic impact of the Coronavirus pandemic. Stimulus payments were worth a maximum of $1,200 per American citizen (so $2,400 for couples filing jointly if both are Americans), and $500 per dependent child. A second stimulus check […]

10 International Health Insurance Tips for American Expats

Health Insurance Tips for Expats

This article was contributed by David Tompkins at Expat Financial. David is an expert in sourcing global health insurance plans for multinationals and individual expats around the globe. Most Americans realize the importance of buying medical insurance in the United States, but what about health insurance when you move abroad? It is unlikely that your […]

How To Celebrate Thanksgiving Abroad in 2020

How To Celebrate Thanksgiving Abroad 2020

Thanksgiving is a time when the thoughts of the nine million Americans who live abroad turn to home, as well as how best to celebrate. With no other country celebrating Thanksgiving (other than Canada, in October, due to an earlier harvest further north), celebrating abroad as an expat presents all sorts of logistical challenges. As […]

What Does the Biden Tax Plan Mean for Expats?

The Biden Tax Plan for Expats

While the election result hasn’t been universally acknowledged and confirmed yet, it seems probable at this stage that Joe Biden will be inaugurated in January as the next US president. All Americans, including those living abroad, are required to file US taxes every year, reporting their global income. Most claim IRS provisions such as the […]

2020 US Election Update for Expats

2020 US Election Update for Expats

With less than three weeks to go until the 2020 election, it’s time to take stock and have a look at the implications of the two outcomes for expats. It’s the strangest election year in living memory and perhaps ever, with the economy rocked by a global pandemic, social unrest across the country, and the […]

A Guide to Working Remotely for Americans Abroad

Guide to Working Remotely for Americans Abroad

Millions of Americans living abroad have been forced to work remotely this year. Some were already living abroad, others have found themselves stranded abroad, while others still moved abroad to sit out the pandemic. With countries including Barbados, Bermuda, Estonia and Georgia offering new and attractive remote working visas, and the global transition to remote […]

An American Expat Guide to Voting from Abroad in 2020

An American Expat Guide to Voting from Abroad in 2020

Election year! The US presidential election taking place on November 3rd 2020 may be the strangest election in living memory, happening against a backdrop of domestic social unrest and a global pandemic. Can Americans living abroad vote though? With over 9 million Americans living abroad, will expats’ votes make a difference? How can expats register […]

Election 2020: Democrat and Republican Tax Plans for Expats

Election 2020: Democrat and Republican Tax Plans for Expats

The 2020 US Presidential Election has been overshadowed by the Coronavirus Pandemic this year, with campaigning limited compared to normal, so far at least. Taxes form an important aspect of both the Republican and Democratic party policy platforms. This year, the Democrats’ tax plans are relatively radical. In this article we look at what changes […]

2020 US Presidential Election Voting FAQs for Expats

2020 US Presidential Election Voting FAQs for Expats

The 2020 US Presidential Election takes place in one of the most unusual political, social, and economic climates for decades. 2020 has seen the US along with many other countries locked down for months on end, impacting many Americans’ jobs and finances. In this article we answer questions expats have about the 2020 US presidential […]