Freelancers and Small Business Owners

Taxes for US Expat Entrepreneurs

Over 9 million Americans live abroad, and it shouldn’t be a surprise that a large number of them are entrepreneurs, as they are all adventurous by nature. American expats are still required to file US taxes though, wherever in the world they may live.

Tax Strategies for Expat Entrepreneurs

The US taxes all US citizens and green card holders around the world, including their businesses, so it’s important for US expat entrepreneurs to contact a US expat tax specialist and put in place the right structures and strategies to minimize their tax liability.

Expats with a Foreign Business Granted Repatriation Tax Reprieve

expat with a foreign business repatriation

The Trump Tax Reform brought significant changes for many expats with a foreign registered businesses. Previously, a foreign registered corporation owned by Americans could leave its profits in the business to avoid paying US taxes on them. This led to giant corporations such as Apple having billions of untaxed profits sitting offshore though. To remedy […]

FBAR Reporting for US Expats with a Foreign Business

expat fbar foreign business

FBARs (Foreign Bank Account Reports) have been a filing requirement for Americans with financial accounts overseas that meet the criteria since the Bank Secrecy Act of 1970. It has only been enforced for the last few years however, since the 2010 Foreign Account tax Compliance Act (FATCA) obliged foreign financial institutions to pass details about […]

US Expat Tax Filing for American Freelancers Living Abroad

american freelancers filing taxes from abroad

Millions of Americans living abroad are working as freelancers. Some work mainly for one or more American firms, others freelance for foreign firms or provide services directly to small firms or individuals. Many are settled permanently in one foreign country, others are intending to return to the US after a few years, or they may […]

Social Security and US Expat Taxes – What You Need To Know

social security taxes for expats

All Americans are required to file and pay US taxes, declaring their worldwide income, wherever in the world they live. The US is the only major country that requires its citizens to file a tax return even if they are expatriates. Thankfully, there are several exemptions that US expats can claim that reduce or eliminate […]

Small Business Tax Reporting From Abroad for US Expats

expats reporting small business taxes

US expats are the new American pioneers, traveling to and living in every corner of the world. If considered as a single community, they would be the eleventh largest state by population. Many Americans living abroad start a small businesses. For some it’s a business with physical premises such as an office, shop of cafe, […]