
Top 5 Expat Dilemmas

expat with dliemna

1. Should I stay or should I go? The first dilemma all aspiring expats face is whether to move abroad at all. It’s easier not to of course, and from the comfort of our home country the risks can seem to outweigh the benefits. In practice though, the benefits will almost certainly provide overwhelming justification […]

2016 US Presidential Election – Do Expat Votes Matter?

presidential election expat votes

An estimated nine millions Americans live abroad, including military personnel and federal employees, making US expats theoretically the eleventh largest State by population.   Turnout among expats for the 2012 presidential election was incredibly low though. With expats very much on the front line in terms of shaping and experiencing foreign perceptions of the US […]

Top 5 Expat Joys

Happy expats

Living abroad is the adventure of a lifetime. It enriches our lives and expands our horizons in ways we couldn’t previously have imagined. Read on for a run-down of our top five joys of being an expat. 1 – Experiencing another culture We grow up seeing the world through the lens of our country’s culture […]

2016 Presidential Elections Set to Cause Expat Surge

expat surge

When contemplating this year’s Presidential election, wherever you stand on the political spectrum, looking at the field of candidates there are one or two possible outcomes that might just make you flinch a little. For many people, if what they consider their worst case scenario actually happens though, their flinch could translate into a move […]

Expat Stories – Caroline Calloway, Cambridge, England

Expat Caroline Calloway

American expats can live incredible lives, and often have incredible stories to tell. New Yorker Caroline Calloway is a mature student studying History of Art at Cambridge, one of the UK’s (and world’s) oldest Universities. Her Instagram posts about her adventures in the bizarre “Harry Potter-esque” world of the university’s antiquated traditions and rituals have gained […]

Majority of Young Americans Would Consider Living Abroad

young american living abroad

Many young Americans are looking for opportunities abroad The following is an extract from ‘Survey says: 35% of Americans would expatriate’ published on CNBC.com. As sultry summer weekends loom and Americans prep their grills and ready their ongoing outdoor activities, some citizens are packing their bags. A recent online poll of more than 2,000 adults […]

New Europe-Wide Bank for American Expats Launched

european bank for expats

A new type of bank launched in Europe today aimed at expats and immigrants. Monese, www.monese.com, registered in London and Estonia, is able to offer cutting edge banking services to the whole of Europe. Customers download an app and can then open an account in less than 3 minutes, providing a photo of their passport […]

Tax Tips for American Expats Living in Mexico

expat filing us taxes in mexico

It’s easy to understand why so many Americans choose to live, work, or retire in Mexico. If anything, it’s hard not to envy them. Mexico’s beaches, Spanish colonial cities, climate, delicious cuisine, and friendly people make for an incredible combination.   Americans living in Mexico are still liable to file an annual federal tax return […]

Top Expat Destinations in 2015

expat destinations

Internations.org has carried out an extensive survey of expat satisfaction levels for the second year running, and the results are in. The online expat resource questioned more than 14,000 expats in over 195 different countries to find out how they felt about the country that they were living in. It’s the biggest survey of this […]