US Tax News

Expat Tax Information

All American citizens and green card holders who earn over $12,000 (or just $400 of self-employment income are required to file a US tax return every year, reporting their worldwide income, wherever in the world they live.

Tax Filing for US Expats

Bright!Tax is the recognized leader in US tax preparation for Americans living abroad. We take the hassle out of staying compliant, while you enjoy the incredible adventure of being an expat.

A Growing Number of Expats are Filing US Taxes

expats filing taxes

Americans are almost unique in still having to file home country taxes from overseas. While this requirement has been US law since the Civil War, the interconnectedness of today’s global banking and tax systems have only recently allowed the IRS enforce it. They can even revoke expats’ US passports if they believe that they owe […]

US Expat Tax Saving Strategies

expats saving taxes

US expats are required to file a US federal tax return reporting their worldwide income, wherever in the world they live. Expats have to comply with the tax laws in the country where they live too, leaving them exposed to the risk of double taxation, having to pay tax to two countries on the same […]

IRS Taxes for US Inpats – Everything You Need to Know

taxes for inpats

Inpats, or inpatriates, are foreigners who have been transferred to work in the United States. So in a sense, inpats are also (from the perspective of their country of origin) expats. As individuals working in the States, inpats normally become subject to the US taxation system. This is probably the first time they’ll encounter the […]

US Federal Taxes for Expats – Everything You Need to Know

expats filing federal taxes abroad

The USA is almost unique in taxing US citizens even when they live abroad. This means that expats who earn over $10,000 ($10,300 for 2016, to be precise, or just $400 of self-employment income) are required to file a US federal tax return, regardless of where their income originates, or whether they are also paying […]

Citizenship Based Taxation – What US Expats Need to Know

expats citizenship based taxation

Expats are America’s global front-line ambassadors. Everyday, their actions and attitudes help shape others’ perceptions of the US and Americans. They are also the 21st century pioneers, forging opportunities and lives away from our shores and in the wider world. However far from the US they venture though, they remain in the strange situation of […]

A Growing Number of Expats are Now Filing US Taxes

With FATCA and a raft of intergovernmental tax information exchange agreements allowing Uncle Sam to know more about expats’ finances than ever before, a growing number of expats are choosing to become compliant by using the Streamlined Procedure IRS amnesty program. Since it was introduced in 2014, nearly 50,000 US expats have used the Streamnlined […]

The Tax Questions US Expats Most Often Ask

the tax questions us expats most often ask

Do I still have to file and pay US taxes if I live abroad? This is the most common tax question that US expats ask. Unfortunately, the US tax system is based on citizenship rather than residence, so it doesn’t discriminate where in the world you live. As a result, expats have to file and […]